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Postdoctoral Fellowship Community Building Programs


The Office of Academic Training and Outreach Programs (ATOP) runs community-building programs for postdoctoral fellows throughout the year. Learn more about groups and events designed to develop a thriving postdoc community of professionals and friends.

Postdoctoral Associations

CHOP Postdocs have access to three different postdoctoral associations, the CHOP Postdoc Alliance, the Postdocs for Diversity in Science, and the University of Pennsylvania-based Penn Postdoc Association. These organizations collaborate to host monthly networking happy hours and other social and professional development events.

The CHOP Postdoc Alliance (CPA) was established in 2019 to enhance the postdoctoral experience at CHOP and to promote an environment conducive to CHOP postdocs' happiness and success. The CPA is led by a steering committee of two co-chairs and five committee leads that focus their work on: Professional Development, Women in Science, Work-Life Balance, Communications, and International Postdocs. If you are interested in working with the CPA or have ideas for programming, please contact [email protected].

Postdocs for Diversity in Science (PDS) is a group of diverse postdocs from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania.  This group promotes diversity and inclusion at the Research Institute. PDS partners with students from schools in the tri-state area to educate, cultivate relationships, and enhance the development of future scientists. This programming provides students with mentorship as well as career exposure. If you are interested in being added to the PDS mailing list, please email [email protected].

Established in 2000, the Penn Postdoctoral Association (PPA) strives to promote solidarity and support among postdocs across all twelve schools of the University of Pennsylvania and affiliated research institutions including CHOP, Monell Chemical Senses Center, Swarthmore College, and Wistar Institute.



Brew & Chew is a monthly social event where postdocs are invited to get free coffee and pastries. This is an opportunity to meet other CHOP postdocs, get to know CHOP Postdoctoral Alliance and Postdocs for Diversity in Science representatives, meet ATOP staff, and get the latest updates on upcoming programs.

Every year at the end of September, CHOP joins the national postdoc community in celebrating National Postdoc Appreciation Week. ATOP partners with the Biomedical Postdoctoral Programs Office at the University of Pennsylvania to plan a week of social and professional development events. CHOP also coordinates giveaways and raffles for postdocs.


International Postdocs

The CHOP Postdoc Alliance (CPA) runs the Postdoc Partner Program (P3) specifically for incoming international postdocs. The CPA supports the arrival and transition of international postdocs by pairing incoming fellows with current postdocs to help them get acquainted with the Philadelphia area and established at work and home. Contact [email protected] for more information.

The Office of Immigration & Visa Services partners with Immigration Community Ambassadors. Ambassadors are CHOP staff who provide support, encouragement, and general information to other foreign national employees in an informal setting. Additional information and resources can be found within the International Hub.

The University of Pennsylvania Biomedical Postdoctoral Programs (BPP) Office coordinates an English as a Second Language course facilitated twice a year. These courses are announced in the weekly BPP newsletter that all CHOP postdocs receive, as well as in the monthly ATOP newsletters. Courses typically begin in August and April. Contact [email protected] with questions.