Postdoctoral Fellowships: Career Paths



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CHOP offers many opportunities for mentored research training following the postdoctoral fellowship. Some postdocs continue working as staff scientists, which can be a short-term position of one to two years that allows them to build new skills, complete manuscripts, or gain independence. Others build long-term careers as research scientists at CHOP. There are also career options away from the bench, such as roles in administration, as part of a clinical research team or core facility, and more. Conducting informational interviews to learn more about these roles is a good first step for deciding your ideal career path.

No matter the career path you choose, the Office of Academic Training and Outreach Programs (ATOP) can help you navigate job searching for staff scientist or non-bench science roles at CHOP.

CHOP Alumni Network

CHOP has a large network of postdoc alumni working in a wide range of careers who are interested in connecting with current postdocs. ATOP staff facilitate networking between current postdocs and alumni. Book a meeting with ATOP staff to grow your critical career network with CHOP alumni.

Are you a CHOP postdoc alum? Join our LinkedIn Group.

Post-training Career Paths

Where do CHOP Postdocs go after completing their fellowship? The data presented below is from the Postdoc Alumni Survey, conducted in Spring 2021. The survey was sent to 453 alumni (89%) and 153 total responses (34% response rate) were received. Additionally, 83% of those responding were willing to meet with current CHOP postdocs.

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Years as a PostDoc

# of Respondents: 152

Current Job Sector: Academic Institution Distribution

# of Respondents: 67

Current Job Sector: Academic Institution Faculty Distribution

Academic Institution Faculty # of Respondents: 44

Job Sector Initial vs. Current

# of Respondents: 124 Initial; 131 Current