Helbig Lab Team



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The lab's diverse and skilled experts each have a pivotal role in leveraging large-scale data to better understand rare neurological disorders in children. From patient interactions to comprehensive data analysis, the team is the voice behind what makes data speak in rare childhood epilepsies.

Ingo Helbig

Ingo Helbig, MD

Attending Physician

Dr. Helbig is a pediatric neurologist in the Division of Neurology and a core faculty member of the ENGIN Frontier Program.

Our Staff

Bintou Bane
Resource Coordinator
[email protected]

Mahgenn Cosico
Clinical Research Coordinator
[email protected]

Manuel Torres Diz
Bioinformatics Scientist
[email protected]

Colin Ellis, MD
[email protected]

Eryn Fitch
Clinical Research Assistant

Shiva Ganesan, MS
[email protected]

Katherine Helbig, MS, LCGC
Genetic Counselor
[email protected]

Michael Kaufman, MS
Data Scientist
[email protected]

David Lewis-Smith, MA, MB BChir, MClinRes, MRCP
Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD Fellow based at Newcastle University (UK)
[email protected]

Laina Lusk, MMSc, LCGC
Genetic Counselor
[email protected]

Jan Magielski
Data Scientist
[email protected]

Sarah McKeown, MS, LCGC
Genetic Counselor
[email protected]

Ian McSalley
Bioinformatics Scientist
[email protected]

Vikram Mukherjee, MS
Clinical Research Coordinator
[email protected]

Margaret O'Brien
Research Student
[email protected]

Shridhar Parthasarathy
Data Scientist
[email protected]

Manuela Pendziwiat

Priya Vaidiswaran, MS
Clinical Research Coordinator
[email protected]

Olivia Wilmarth
Genetic Counselor Assistant
[email protected]

Julie Xian
Data Scientist
[email protected]