High-throughput Sequencing and Analytical Core FAQs



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Please plan projects in advance. Our sequencing queue is currently two months long, and we are unable to pre-bill for services. Submit a customer request form to request pricing or information about our services.

Turnaround time is queue- and project-dependent. Generally, it is two to three weeks for 16S projects, four to six weeks for shotgun metagenomics projects, and six to eight weeks for whole genome sequencing projects. Please let us know in advance if you require a faster turnaround time, as special pricing may apply.

Our goal to have each run collect the highest quality and quantity of data possible. Each Illumina NGS platform delivers a maximum output dependent upon the type of flowcell and reagents used. In practice, the DNA source and the type of library created also can affect this output

We guarantee a minimum of 80 percent of the maximum number of possible reads if we complete all quality control (QC) on submitted DNA and perform the library prep, pooling, and final library QC. All libraries used must pass QC for the run to be guaranteed.

We guarantee a minimum of 70 percent of the maximum number of possible reads if the user submits final library preps generated using CHOP Microbiome Center or standard Illumina protocols and we complete the final library QC. All libraries must pass QC for the run to be guaranteed.

We cannot guarantee a minimum data output if custom sequencing/indexing primers are used in replacement of Illumina provided reagents, or if a run includes experimental libraries that have not been previously tested at our Center or by Illumina.

Here are the specifications for the MiSeq and HiSeq 2500 instruments.

For more information, please contact Lisa Mattei or Jessi Erlichman.