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Kate Kadash-Edmondon, PhD, serves as director of research operations for the Xing and Lin Labs. In this role, she provides scientific writing and resource support for the labs and mentors students.
Kate Kadash-Edmondson, PhD, is the director of research operations for the Xing and Lin Labs at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She completed her PhD in Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania in 2005 following her BS in Chemical Engineering at Cornell University in 2000. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Biochemistry and Biophysics at the Perelman School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania in 2008.
Since 2007, Kadash-Edmonson has worked as a professional scientific writer, contributing to thousands of National Institutes of Health grants and manuscripts. In addition to providing scientific writing support for the Xing and Lin labs, she interfaces with collaborators, manages research resources, oversees the progress and reporting of scientific projects, and provides mentoring to students. Outside the lab, Kate enjoys jigsaw puzzles, gaming, and spending time with her children and pug.