Clinical Trials Research Affinity Group



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As a global leader in pediatric clinical trials, Children’s Hospital is committed to growing and expanding its available resources to conduct these trials and providing optimum care and support to the patients and families who take part in them. One of these key institutional resources can be found in the Clinical Trials Research Affinity Group, a dedicated resource specifically for investigators and research teams engaged in clinical trials research.

At is core, the Clinical Trials Research Affinity Group builds and fortifies the community of investigators conducting trials at CHOP and the University of Pennsylvania. Established in 2017, the group features a collaborative network of investigators who either have specific knowledge and expertise in clinical trials or have an interest in learning more about them. It serves as a liaison between these investigators, the CHOP Research Institute, and Hospital administration to facilitate not only the conduct and enhancement of ongoing trials but also the start-up of new trials within the CHOP enterprise.