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V.I.D.E.O for Health Communication Symposium



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Jan 23, 2024
Event Start Time
9:00 am to
Event End Time
2:00 pm

BRB II/III Auditorium, Biomedical Research Building 421 Curie Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19104

The Penn Medical Communication Research Institute (PMCRI) is hosting V.I.D.E.O. for Health Communication: Video to Improve Discovery, Effectiveness, and Outcomes, a half-day symposium on videography and video tools to improve health and medical communication, in collaboration with Kevin Johnson, MD (Penn Medicine), and Rebecca Clark, PhD, MSN (Penn Nursing).

The goal of the symposium is to bring together the community at Penn and the CHOP Research Institute" using video for these purposes and to help improve clinician-focused and patient-centered messaging through video.

The symposium will have three sections: Meet, which will introduce symposium attendees to a subset of research projects underway using video for health and medical communication; Inspire, which will feature speakers doing novel video work and enable participants to learn about developing areas in video communication potentially outside their areas of expertise; and Learn, which will give participants practical and generalizable methods for utilization of video in communications.

Registration is required. Visit Penn's event page to see the full agenda and sign up.
