Wolfson Family Laboratory for Clinical and Biomedical Optics



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Please see Careers at CHOP for a current opening in the Wolfson Family Laboratory for Clinical and Biomedical Optics.

The Wolfson Family Laboratory for Clinical and Biomedical Optics develops point-of-care devices and neuro-diagnostics to guide the care of children at risk for brain injury. The lab further uses diffuse optical spectroscopy and correlation methods to study the interplay between cerebral hemodynamics (blood flow, oxygen extraction, oxygen metabolism) and neurodevelopmental outcomes. Lab members build and translate optical devices for bedside monitoring, develop predictive models of brain injuries based on multimodal time-series data, and conduct theoretical modeling of light transport through tissue to improve diagnostic accuracy. Most of the lab's work is focused on neurological applications, but optics also provides access to other tissue such as skeletal muscle and the placenta. Ultimately, using optical methods, the lab hopes to improve the quality of life for patients after recovery.

Work With Us

Interested in learning more about student and postdoctoral fellow research opportunities in our lab? Reach out to Wesley Baker.

Seeking out a collaborative research opportunity? Contact Alyssa Seeney.