Schizophrenia | CHOP Research Institute


Published on
Aug 19, 2024
In two new studies, the Gandal Lab has identified thousands of new gene transcripts.
Published on
Jul 8, 2024
Dr. Jerome Taylor and colleagues are studying oxidative stress as a potential treatable biomarker of psychosis in adolescents.

Dr. Gandal investigates the genetic contributions to typical human brain development and neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders. His multidisciplinary research program integrates genetics with functional genomic profiling in the human brain, along with bioinformatics and computational biology.

gandalm [at]
Published on
Nov 9, 2023
Dr. Aaron Alexander-Bloch seeks to better understand psychosis spectrum disorders through multiscale brain imaging phenotypes.

Dr. Almasy's work involves statistical genetic studies of addiction, autism, schizophrenia, and related quantitative risk factors.

almasyl [at]

Dr. Taylor's translational and clinical research program focuses on preventing disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with psychotic features. He is particularly interested in the roles that oxidative stress and neuroinflammation play in psychosis symptom progression in youth.

taylorj14 [at]

Dr. Barzilay aims to understand what drives variability in the development of brain and behavior of youths growing up under stress. He studies biological and environmental mechanisms leading to suicidal behavior, using big datasets of diverse genotyped youths with deep phenotyping of environment.

barzilayr [at]
Published on
Jul 19, 2021
CHOP and Penn researchers find connection between mitochondrial function and mental illness in patients with a rare genetic disorder.

In advancing intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) research for more than 29 years, the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC) wholeheartedly embraces today’s novel concepts and technologies to discover the causes of IDD and uses this knowledge to improve outcomes for affected people.

Published on
Oct 29, 2020
Chemogenetic technology is making it more possible to identify abnormal circuitry, correct it, and change the relevant behaviors.