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Electronic Research Administration

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eSPA (electronic Sponsored Projects Administration) is the module within Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's eResearch platform that has been built for the development, submission, approval, management, and closeout of sponsored research awards. The goal is to make proposal submission more efficient and to provide effective, transparent project management.

eSPA will streamline many of your proposal preparation and project management tasks, including:

  • Proposal notification to Pre-Award Research Administration
  • Retention of documents and project communications
  • S2S (System-to-System) submission of most NIH applications
  • Automatic email reminders (Notifications) of upcoming due dates
  • Management of progress reports and modifications.
  • Management of subawards

The Pre-Award Research Administration holds occasional training and demonstration sessions of eSPA on an ongoing basis, or contact your SPO for a one-on-one overview. We encourage all research staff involved in the grants process to become familiar with eSPA.  In addition, User Guides have been created as reference documents for working within eSPA.