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Direct Subject Recruitment Support

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The Recruitment Enhancement Core (REC) provides direct subject recruitment support. The REC acts as an honest broker and receives CHOP patient information to contact subjects on the study team's behalf. The REC can also help study teams determine feasibility by supporting requests to see how many subjects may meet enrollment criteria during study planning.

The REC also maintains subject Opt-In lists for people who are interested in learning more about CHOP and Opt-Out lists for people who do not wish to be contacted for research opportunities.

People who wish to Opt-In to being contacted about research at CHOP can sign up for the Research Participant Registry.

People who wish to Opt-Out can email the REC at [email protected] and provide the email address, parent and child name to be added to our REC Opt-out list.

Email Support: The REC works with the Clinical Reporting Unit (CRU) to extract a list of potentially eligible patients from the electronic health record. This list is pulled based on criteria that the study team describes in the EPIC Request Form. The REC also maintains an Opt-In list which includes potential subjects beyond those who may be patients of CHOP. The REC will work with the study team to create a schedule of email blasts that allows for the coordinator to be in contact with all interested responders within 24 hours.

Paper Letter Support: The REC can print the mailing labels for study teams who want to send paper letters to potential participants. To protect PHI, the REC will receive the patient list from the CRU, print the labels and hand over the mailing labels to study teams. We cannot interoffice mail these labels.