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Clinical Research Coordinator Training

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Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs) at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's Research Institute are required to complete three training components as detailed below. Human subject protections (CITI) and the Clinical Research Study Coordinator Modules must be completed prior to participating in research. The CRC Fundamentals Program includes two half-day, live sessions which must be completed within 6 months of your hire date.

Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs) are an essential component of the clinical research enterprise at CHOP, serving a pivotal role in human subject’s protection and overall study management. CHOP’s Research Institute is committed to providing the proper education, training, and support for CRCs.

All CRCs are required to complete the CRC Fundamentals Program offered by the Clinical Research Support Office Staffing Core; this is currently a two half-day program, offered every other month.

About the CRC Fundamentals Program

  • Applies to any research staff performing research coordinator functions and/or listed in the role of study coordinator on an IRB protocol submission. Specific job titles may include, but are not limited to: Research Assistant, Research Coordinator, Clinical Research Coordinator, Research Nurse, Clinical Research Nurse, Study Nurse, and Clinical Project Manager
  • All CRCs new to the Research Institute must complete the CRC Fundamentals Program within 6 months of their date of hire; it is recommended that the program be completed between 3 and 6 months of the date of hire so employees have the opportunity to establish some familiarity with their role before attending the program.
  • Before attending the CRC Fundamentals Program CRCs should complete the following pre-requisites:
    1. CITI Program’s The Protection of Human Subjects curriculum
    2. CHOP’s online study coordinator modules
  • Consistent with current policies, all CRCs must complete CITI training and the on-line study coordinator modules prior to participating on an IRB approved protocol.


Registration for the program is available through the Workday Learning. The CRC Fundamentals training requires two days of training. Register for Day 1 (log in required) prior to enrolling in Day 2 (log in required).

If you have questions about the program, please email Michele Toms, Director, CRSO Staffing Core, [email protected] or Kerri Sullivan, Office Coordinator, CRSO, [email protected].

Dates and Locations for 2025

January - Virtual

  • Tuesday, 1/14/2025 - 7:45am to 1:15pm
  • Thursday, 1/16/2025 - 7:45am to 1:15pm

March - Virtual

  • Tuesday, 3/11/2025 - 7:45am to 1:15pm
  • Thursday, 3/13/2025 - 7:45am to 1:15pm

May - Virtual

  • Tuesday, 5/20/2025 - 7:45am to 1:15pm
  • Thursday, 5/22/2025 - 7:45am to 1:15pm

July - Virtual

  • Tuesday, 7/15/2025 - 7:45am to 1:15pm
  • Thursday, 7/17/2025 - 7:45am to 1:15pm

September - Virtual

  • Tuesday, 9/16/2025 - 7:45am to 1:15pm
  • Thursday, 9/18/2025 - 7:45am to 1:15pm

November - Virtual

  • Tuesday, 11/11/2025 - 7:45am to 1:15pm
  • Thursday, 11/13/2025 - 7:45am to 1:15pm

Completion of this program is centrally tracked and available to IRB and Office of Research Compliance staff.

In addition to human subject protections (CITI) training, coordinators listed in IRB protocols must also complete the CRC Coordinator Modules before being approved as the main study coordinator on a study in eIRB.

CRC Fundamentals must be completed within 6 months of hire to remain listed as the main study coordinator in eIRB.

Completion of the Clinical Research Coordinator Education Program will be required for individuals in any of the following categories:

  • All staff with the job title of "coordinator", as in "clinical study coordinator", "nurse coordinator", or "research coordinator."
  • All staff, regardless of HR job title, whose job description includes primary responsibility for study coordination or who function as a study coordinator by virtue of the high-level responsibilities (managerial, administrative, supervisory, clinical, or otherwise) assigned to them on a clinical research protocol.