Radiology Clinical Research Core Funded Research
Investigators in the Department of Radiology's Clinical Research Core are supported in their pursuit of innovation and excellence in diagnostic imaging research with grants from a variety of sources.
Quantitative Image Modeling for Brain Tumor Analysis and Tracking (Old Dominion)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
PI: Arastoo Vossough
Noninvasive Portal Pressure Measurements in Children
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health
PI: Sudha Anupindi
Ultrasound Quantification for Pediatric Kidney UTD
Sponsor: Philips Ultrasound
PI: Susan Back
Junior Pilot Program Targeted Delivery of Xenon Encapsulated Liposomes for Neonatal Neuroprotection
Sponsor: Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
PI: Misun Hwang
Philips Works-in-Progress (WIPs)
Sponsor: Philips Electronics North America Corporation
PI: Susan Back
Contrast-Enhanced Brain Ultrasound on Extreme Premature Fetal Lambs Maintained by the EXTra-uterine Environment for Neonatal Support (EXTEND): Visibility Study and Evaluation of Perfusion Parameters Drug only
Sponsor: Lantheus Holdings, Inc
PI: Ryne Didier
Contrast-Enhanced Brain Ultrasound in Extreme Premature Fetal Lambs Maintained by the EXTra-uterine Environment for Neonatal Support (EXTEND): Evaluation of Perfusion Parameters and Assessment of Intracranial Pressure
Sponsor: The Society for Pediatric Radiology
PI: Ryne Didier
GE Ultrasound- Works –in – Progress (WIPs) Study
Sponsor: General Electric Co
PI: Anush Sridharan
Osteosarcoma: Improving Operative Planning Through MR Bone Imaging and 3D Osteochondral Modeling
Sponsor: Radiological Society of North America
PI: Jie Nguyen
Defining bone sarcoma tumor margin using novel MRI biomarkers
Sponsor: Children's Cancer Research Fund
PI: Jie Nguyen
Voyager/Mustang 4.0 AIUS ultrasound system Marketing Clinical Study
Sponsor: Philips Ultrasound
PI: Beverly Coleman
Contrast Enhancement Characteristics of Gadolinium-Based-Contrast-Agents (GBCA) in Functional MR Urography (fMRU)
Sponsor: Guerbet Consulting LLC
PI: Hansel Otero
Novel Ultrasound Indices of Intracranial Pressure and Brain Ischemia in Neonatal Hydrocephalus
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
PI: Misun Hwang
Evaluation of bowel perfusion with contrast-enhanced ultrasound in necrotizing enterocolitis
Sponsor: Bracco Diagnostics, Inc
PI: Misun Hwang
Generalized Protocol for Studying New Ultrasound (US) Techniques (Works-in-progress - US WIPs)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
PI: Anush Sridharan
CEUS Evaluation of Intracranial Pressure in Hydrocephalus
Sponsor: Radiological Society of North America
PI: Misun Hwang
Improved diagnosis and prognostication of hypoxic ischemic injury in neonates and infants using Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound
Sponsor: Bracco Diagnostics, Inc
PI: Misun Hwang
Clarity Transparent Face Mask
Sponsor: Children's Research Institute (Children’s National Medical Center)
PI: Maria Velez
Neuroprotection with Xenon Microbubbles post Cardiac Arrest
Sponsor: University of Pennsylvania
PI: Misun Hwang
Acute Flaccid Myelitis (IPA)
Sponsor: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
PI: Arastoo Vossough
Treating Brain Swelling in Pediatric Cerebral Malaria
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
PI: Lorenna Vidal
Stress ultrasonography and elastography of the ulnar collateral ligament
Sponsor: Society for Pediatric Radiology
PI: Liya Gendler
Percutaneous Ultrasound Gastrostomy: Clinical Evaluation of a Pediatric Method for Feeding Tube Placement
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
PI: Anne-Marie Cahill
Presumed Low-Grade Gliomas in the Pediatric Population: Imaging Features as Predictors of Outcomes
Sponsor: American Society of Neuroradiology
PI: Susan Sotardi
Renal MRI Biomarkers: The Route to Clinical Adoption
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
PI: Suraj Serai
Implementing Precision Education in Radiology Via an Adaptive Learning "Tutor"
Sponsor: The Society for Pediatric Radiology
PI: Janet Reid
Bracco Consulting and Services Agreement Lumason Training Services Agreement
Sponsor: Bracco Diagnostics, Inc
PI: Kassa Darge
Intelligent Tutor: Push Technology Integrated Within a Learning Management System (LMS)
Sponsor: University of Pennsylvania
PI: Ami Gokli
Integrative Imaging Biomarker Assessment of Hepatic Involvement and Severity in Gaucher Disease to Tailor Personalized Therapy
Sponsor: The Society for Pediatric Radiology
PI: Andrew Degnan
Novel Ultrasound Markers of Brain Injury in Neonatal Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Following Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
Sponsor: Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
PI: Misun Hwang
Improved Diagnosis and Prognostication of Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Injury With Combined Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound and Elastography
Sponsor: Radiological Society of North America
PI: Misun Hwang
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
PI: Misun Hwang
3D/3D Fusion and iGuide Software for Navigation and Targeting in Interventional Radiology
Sponsor: Siemens Med Solutions USA, Inc
PI: Anne Marie Cahill
ASPNR Vossough Award
Sponsor: American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology
PI: Arastoo Vossough
Contrast-Enhanced Brain Ultrasound on Extreme Premature Fetal Lambs Maintained by the EXTrauterine Environment for Neonatal Support (EXTEND)
Sponsor: University of Pennsylvania
PI: Ryne Didier
Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound in Brain Perfusion
Sponsor: Radiological Society of North America
PI: Ryne Didier
Advanced imaging, guidance and analysis for pediatric interventional radiology
Sponsor: Siemens Med Solutions USA, Inc
PI: Anne Marie Cahill
Penn CHOP Radiotracer, Radioactive Tracer Agreement
Sponsor: University of Pennsylvania
PI: Kassa Darge
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Sub Contract: Determination of Normal Liver Stiffness by MR Elastography in Children
Sponsor: The Society for Pediatric Radiology
PI: Kassa Darge
LPHR Collimator assessment
Sponsor: Siemens Med Solutions USA, Inc
PI: Lisa States
Detection of Brain Perfusion Abnormalities in a Porcine Model of ECMO with Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound
Sponsor: Radiological Society of North America
PI: Misun Hwang
Federated Machine Learning to Automate Early Cancer Detection
Sponsor: Mark Foundation for Cancer Research
PI: Lisa States