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Building upon Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s legacy as one of the preeminent pediatric research institutions in the world, Bryan Wolf, MD, PhD, served as Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer from 2015 to June 1, 2021, overseeing implementation of an ambitious, faculty-led strategic plan to make the most of the Research Institute’s unique resources, infrastructure, intellect, and talent to conduct transformational research initiatives with the highest scientific integrity from bench to bedside.
Bryan Wolf, MD, PhD, has an outstanding record of creative thought leadership in research at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. His early career as a diabetes researcher evolved into several hospital, administrative, and faculty appointments on the CHOP/Penn campus since 1990, including serving as pathologist-in-chief and chair of CHOP’s Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine from 2001 to 2008. Dr. Wolf held the positions of CHOP’s chief information officer and senior vice president from 2008 to 2015. He also held the position of the Research Institute’s Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer from 2015 to June 1, 2021. As Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Wolf led, mentored, and recruited a skilled team of researchers and administration staff with a wide range of expertise that is devoted to performing the best research that improves the health of children.
In his role as Chair, Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics (DBHi), from 2014 to June 30, 2021, Dr. Wolf directed various programs, applications, research, and services to explore how technology can impact both research and patient care. The department’s talented team of data scientists, programmers, and bioinformatics scientists combine technological and scientific expertise to transform research and clinical data into innovative solutions that directly impact patient outcomes. Additionally, DBHi provides an academic home for all research informatics activities, including the development and deployment of intellectual, technical, and educational resources in biomedical computing. Under the purview of the DBHi, the Arcus, Bioinformatics, Data Reporting and Management, Application Development, and Education groups help translate big data into healthcare discoveries.
Education and Training
MD, University of Paris René-Descartes School of Medicine, 1983
PhD, University of Paris Jussieu (Nutrition/Endocrinology), 1984
Post doctoral Research Fellow (Biochemistry), Department of Pathology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, 1984-1987
Resident in Laboratory Medicine, Division of Laboratory Medicine, Departments of Pathology and Internal Medicine, Barnes Hospital, Washington University School of Medicine, 1987-1990
MA, University of Pennsylvania (Honorary), 1996
Professional Memberships
Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, 1991-
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1985-
American Association for Clinical Chemistry Inc., 1989-
American Diabetes Association, 1985-
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Inc., 1986-
American Society for Clinical Investigation, 2001-
American Society for Investigative Pathology, 2001-
College of American Pathologists, 2003-
European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 1990-
International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology, 1991-
College of Healthcare Information Management Executives, 2009-
Professional Awards
Diplomate, American Board of Pathology in clinical pathology, 1992
Endocrine Society Travel Award, 1986
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Fellowship, 1986-1987
Young Investigator Award, Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, 1989
Career Development Award, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, 1990
Research and Development Award, American Diabetes Association, 1990-1993
Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievements by a Young Investigator, American Association of Clinical Chemistry, 1992
Hartford Foundation Fellow, 1993-1994
Research and Career Development Award, National Institutes of Health, 1994-1998
Computerworld Premier 100 IT Leaders for 2015