Office of Faculty Development Funding
The Office of Faculty Development provides many resources to help with grant development and funding opportunities.

Grant Development and Submission Processes
Learn how to prepare a grant application with this guide, developed by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), that contains generalizable information for all applications, regardless of institute.
People Who Can Help
Beginning and completing a grant proposal involves multiple steps. Find streamlined grant development resources, programs, and contacts for all investigators at the Grants Hub or visit the Grant Review Communities.
Funding Opportunities
Below you will find curated funding opportunities, search tools, our monthly Funding Forecaster, and other grant-related information to help you secure the funding you need.
Learn how to set up individual email alerts from specific foundations.
Agency Search Tools
- Proposal central/foundation grant opportunities
- NSF Funding Search
- All Federal Agencies (
NIH Search Tools
- Find and filter NIH funding to identify the right opportunity for you.
- See this week's NIH Weekly Funding Notices and Announcements or get on the list to receive it to your inbox.
- NIH Matchmaker can be used for keyword searches of a topic area to identify NIH Institutes or Centers (ICs) that have previously funded research in that area.
- NIH search by keyword for "unsolicited or investigator-initiated" Parent Announcements
Check out this comprehensive list of early career funding opportunities maintained by Johns Hopkins University.
Johns Hopkins also curates excellent funding opportunity lists for postdocs and graduate students (incl. URM grad students separately).
- Find budget preparation guidance
- Seek support from Grant Review Communities
- Find key proposal data
- Understand Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs and Fringe Benefit Rates
- Find useful values to include in your proposal in the CHOP Research Annual Report and the CHOP Enterprise Annual Reports
- Bridge Funding
- Clinical Trial Support Office and/or IND/IDE Support Program
Sample Grants and Grant Sections
Sample Grants
- Sample K Award (Career Development) Applications Authored by CHOP Faculty
- Sample R Grant (Independent Research) Applications Authored by CHOP Faculty
- How to choose which type of R makes sense for you (advice from the NIH)
- Sample R Grants and Summary Statements from the National Institutes of Health
- Sample U (Cooperative Agreement) Grants Authored by CHOP Faculty
Grant Sections: Sample Language (includes Facilities & Resources, T32 data tables and more)