LUNG (Lung Injury Group)



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The LUng iNjury Group (LUNG) at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia is committed to furthering the understanding of severe respiratory failure. LUNG researchers are specifically focused on acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a form of severe respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation. The ultimate goal is to get children off the ventilator quickly so they can thrive with minimal respiratory, neurologic, or other disabilities.

The LUNG team's work is supported by multiple National Institutes of Health and privately funded research avenues. The researchers use large databases to analyze information on thousands of children who have been ventilated, blood samples and biomarkers of children who have been diagnosed with ARDS or are at risk for ARDS, and explore new therapies using preclinical models.

Looking to Collaborate? Join our LUNG Program Wiki@CHOP page (log in required).

Research Highlights

  • Discovery and biochemical profiling of subtypes of pediatric ARDS
  • Protocols to shorten time on ventilators
  • Critical appraisal of clinical trial design in pediatric critical care
  • Pathogenicity of histones in propagating lung injury