Division of Fetal Imaging
A core component of the Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment at CHOP, the Division of Fetal Imaging focuses on the development of research related to the use of different image modalities (e.g. US and MRI) in utero to evaluate different fetal conditions. The main subjects of research in the Division is the dyad mother-fetus and the complete perinatal period of the fetus/neonate. As part of the Center for Fetal Diganosis and Treatment, the Division is in constant collaboration with the Surgical Delivery Unit, which is also part of the Center.
Alongside CHOP’s world-renown fetal surgeons, collaborative study protocols in the Division involve evaluating the use of fetal imaging for new surgical treatments, to follow surgical interventions, and to explore possible prognostic factors encountered during image studies. These research areas include the use of, but are not limited to, lab research, retrospective clinical research, and prospective clinical research.