Joseph Rossano, MD, MS, Chief of the Division of Cardiology and Co-Executive Director of the Cardiac Center at CHOP shared promising outcomes from the first-ever gene therapy trial for Danon disease, a rare and life-threatening X-linked genetic disorder.
The W.W. Smith Charitable Trust awarded Jonathan Edwards, MD, a one-year grant to jumpstart studies to characterize the role of a novel candidate target of right ventricular failure.
The American Heart Association awarded Justin H. Berger, MD, PhD, a three-year Career Development Award for his project, Probing the Mechanism of SGLT2 Inhibitors in Heart Failure.
The Margaret Q. Landenberger Research Foundation awarded Brian R. White, MD, PhD, $200,000 for his project, Functional Neuroimaging Biomarkers of Neurologic Injury and Recovery in a Mouse Model of Phenylketonuria With Corrective Gene Editing
Robert J. Levy, MD, received supplemental grant support from the NHLBI-funded CAROL Act Program for his collaborative NIH research program studying serotonin mechanisms responsible for the progression of mitral valve regurgitation.
We are proud to announce the launching of the new Children's Hospital of Philadelphia CVI/Cardiac Center Biobank, supported by the CHOP CVI and Cardiac Center.
Wensi Wu, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the Jolley Lab received a K25 Mentored Quantitative Research Career Development Award from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute with Matthew Jolley, MD at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia as her primary mentor.
The CHOP CVI announced that Andrey Zakharchenko, PhD, one of our trainees on the CHOP Cardiology NHLBI Research Training Grant (T32), was awarded a prestigious Second Century Early Faculty Independence Award from the American Heart Association (AHA).