Child safety researchers want to reduce kids' exposure to two lethal instruments - motor vehicles and guns - to improve childhood mortality rates in U.S.
Self-driving cars are speedily racing toward becoming an everyday reality, with Congress considering recently introduced bills that would allow the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to oversee the deployment of autonomous vehicles on public roads, pre-empting individual states from issuing local laws. Researchers at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia are both applauding the cool technology ... and urging the
Motor vehicle crashes remain the leading cause of death for children older than 4 years and resulted in 952 fatalities in 2010 for children age 15 and younger. Children and adolescents are the most common occupants in the rear seat of passenger vehicles, and a new research report from The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute provides specific recommendations for optimizing the rear seat to better protect them.
New on the Center for Injury Research and Prevention's (CIRP) blog Research in Action are two stories that touch on a tragic topic: children and teenagers being injured in car crashes.